Herdawatie, great new look for the class blog! I love it!
Herdawatie and Sery for taking charge of the class gathering.
I think I must mention that
1 teacher's vote = 20 students votes. Haaha. So Mdm Shahidah's and my votes = 40 votes :P
Anyway, I am going to be hated for saying this but as your Form Teacher (until you officially graduate heheh), I must say it.......
My reasons for
not having a class chalet is that it is more expensive and more tiring. We can use the money to
buy lots of good food and good drinks. Yes, Nadeem? Booking a chalet will be an extra cost. The economy is very bad now..... it's important that we use our money wisely :)
And I told you guys about my horror chalet story? I am against chalets :) Don't know what all you young and energetic youngsters will be up to the whole night!
So, I'm asking for your kind understanding and
let's prepare for a nice BBQ :)

attention 4n3 !
there will be a class gathering the week before the release of our N level result. I ( Herdawatie ) & Sery will be incharge of this
class gathering. Sery will be incharge of the venue while I am going to be incharge of the Food section ( sorry, Nadeem ). hehe.
right now,
i need your votes..
Pit or Chalet?
currently, 80% of the class have voted, heres the result ;
for Pit ; 6 People ( including Miss Chin & Mdm Shahidah ).
for Chalet ; 13 People
4 People will go for the majority.
i need you to vote till this Friday.
* cast your vote in the tagboard , thank you (:
We will sure to keep you updated via SMS or Blog.
Date to Take Note ;
Our Dearest Teachers will be busy this days ;
10 Dec, 13 Dec, 14 Dec.
do reach Herdawatie or Sery.
thank you for you co-operation (:
we miss you!