4n3 Class of 2008
we are graduates from Siglap.
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Hi everyone!Thanks to all who have been tagging and leaving short/long messages on our let's-not-let-it-close-down class blog.Wow. Some of you are having dreams about Results Day already! It should be on the 18th December 2008.... but keep that week more or less free.Hope you all get good results and we can all celebrate your success together!Remember when you come back to school, you need to be in proper uniform. If you come in home clothes, you must ensure your hair is not red/gold/orange/blue/purple/pink/yellow/green. Boys, you must not have long hair!Girls, no make-up! It's N level results, not a Catwalk, ok?Not kidding, last year we had to chase students out of school to dye their hair first before they could get their results!So please, don't think you will be the exception! Personally, I WILL NOT give you your results if you are dressed inappropriately.Please pass the word around to your friends ;)Meanwhile, enjoy whatever you're doing... while I get back to work!:)ms chin
 Thank you to the following people who volunteered their time and muscles to help distribute the Yearbook yesterday morning :) 1) Syazwani, her friend from Sec 3, Ain and Herdawatie 2) Amirul and Adam 3) Daryl and Zheng Hao Well, to the rest of the class who I will not see till 16 Dec (tentative date - not official but most likely date).... have a WONDERFUL BREAK! I miss the class already :) Love, Ms Chin
Hi all, Here're some shots of you during Math lesson... now it may seem to be nothing much, but months down the road when you look at these pictures, I'm sure you'll be filled with warm memories that will last a lifetime! I'm proud of all of you for your perseverance over the past week! Keep going! Love, Miss Chin
Hi 4N3-ians,
So so so.. I hear some of you have been visiting each other's houses over the festive season! That's good to know! :) I also hear a number of you are working.... do gain experience and I hope it turns out to be a meaningful period for you.
Anyway, here's an update....
730-900 : Science (Mr Brian Wee & Ms Tan) 900-930: have a good break & eat, drink, be merry 930-1100: English (Miss Lovely Melissa Chin) *lol* 1100-1230: Math (Mr Yam) Those in Mother Tongue Intensive Programme: 730-1100 MT, then you join the Math Group. Everyone goes home at 1230pm unless you want to stay back and chit-chat with me! *nag alert* Your school attire must be proper. No dyed hair, no piercings, no slippers.
I miss seeing all of you together as one whole, so hope to see U guys on Friday!
Love, Ms Chin :)
Hi all :)How are all of you doing? I'm glad that a lot of you showed perseverance and did not give up during the 'N' levels.. Really felt like a "mother hen" of sorts, gathering the "flock" every morning. But I was glad to be able to see you all through the exam period :)*Nag Alert*Want to remind you that there is 4N Bridging Programme, commencing from 14th Oct- 23 October. (730am-11am daily) They will be having Mother Tongue Intensive. Do call your Mother Tongue teachers to confirm if you are down. Otherwise, I will see you soon for our class gathering. Can some people volunteer to organise and plan? Keep us updated! Love,Ms Chin 
 remember all our CME/ PC lessons and all the cards and gifts and letters and chocolates and candies from your ANGEL? (I remember Nadeem's sweet wrapper to Arthur!) Girls looking longingly at what used to be 4N3....
The classroom may be empty.. but our hearts and minds will be forever filled with indelible memories of 4N3'08
Happy Birthday to all the Term 3 and 4 babies :) (Some here, some disappeared) The rest of the class together :) The rest of the class together AGAIN ;)
Hope the cake was yummy!

"Last" day of school before the N levels.... time sure whizzes by. Thanks Herdawatie for the photos... you all should check her Multiply account.. lots of funny pictures!
I love to hide behind windows ~~~

Take care, 4N3.. one more week! :)
form TEACHER of 4n3;
Miss Melissa Chin<'3.
co-form TEACHER of 4N3;
Mdm Shahidah<'3.
the MANAGERs of 4n3;
[main]Daryl Chian.
[asst]Nurul Ain.
the MANAGERs of 4n3;
the KEY managers
THE Treasurer;
kamilia haron.
chor ming.
zheng hao.
kah hui.
Hi everyone!Thanks to all who have been tagging and leaving short/long messages on our let's-not-let-it-close-down class blog.Wow. Some of you are having dreams about Results Day already! It should be on the 18th December 2008.... but keep that week more or less free.Hope you all get good results and we can all celebrate your success together!Remember when you come back to school, you need to be in proper uniform. If you come in home clothes, you must ensure your hair is not red/gold/orange/blue/purple/pink/yellow/green. Boys, you must not have long hair!Girls, no make-up! It's N level results, not a Catwalk, ok?Not kidding, last year we had to chase students out of school to dye their hair first before they could get their results!So please, don't think you will be the exception! Personally, I WILL NOT give you your results if you are dressed inappropriately.Please pass the word around to your friends ;)Meanwhile, enjoy whatever you're doing... while I get back to work!:)ms chin
 Thank you to the following people who volunteered their time and muscles to help distribute the Yearbook yesterday morning :) 1) Syazwani, her friend from Sec 3, Ain and Herdawatie 2) Amirul and Adam 3) Daryl and Zheng Hao Well, to the rest of the class who I will not see till 16 Dec (tentative date - not official but most likely date).... have a WONDERFUL BREAK! I miss the class already :) Love, Ms Chin
Hi all, Here're some shots of you during Math lesson... now it may seem to be nothing much, but months down the road when you look at these pictures, I'm sure you'll be filled with warm memories that will last a lifetime! I'm proud of all of you for your perseverance over the past week! Keep going! Love, Miss Chin
Hi 4N3-ians,
So so so.. I hear some of you have been visiting each other's houses over the festive season! That's good to know! :) I also hear a number of you are working.... do gain experience and I hope it turns out to be a meaningful period for you.
Anyway, here's an update....
730-900 : Science (Mr Brian Wee & Ms Tan) 900-930: have a good break & eat, drink, be merry 930-1100: English (Miss Lovely Melissa Chin) *lol* 1100-1230: Math (Mr Yam) Those in Mother Tongue Intensive Programme: 730-1100 MT, then you join the Math Group. Everyone goes home at 1230pm unless you want to stay back and chit-chat with me! *nag alert* Your school attire must be proper. No dyed hair, no piercings, no slippers.
I miss seeing all of you together as one whole, so hope to see U guys on Friday!
Love, Ms Chin :)
Hi all :)How are all of you doing? I'm glad that a lot of you showed perseverance and did not give up during the 'N' levels.. Really felt like a "mother hen" of sorts, gathering the "flock" every morning. But I was glad to be able to see you all through the exam period :)*Nag Alert*Want to remind you that there is 4N Bridging Programme, commencing from 14th Oct- 23 October. (730am-11am daily) They will be having Mother Tongue Intensive. Do call your Mother Tongue teachers to confirm if you are down. Otherwise, I will see you soon for our class gathering. Can some people volunteer to organise and plan? Keep us updated! Love,Ms Chin 
 remember all our CME/ PC lessons and all the cards and gifts and letters and chocolates and candies from your ANGEL? (I remember Nadeem's sweet wrapper to Arthur!) Girls looking longingly at what used to be 4N3....
The classroom may be empty.. but our hearts and minds will be forever filled with indelible memories of 4N3'08
Happy Birthday to all the Term 3 and 4 babies :) (Some here, some disappeared) The rest of the class together :) The rest of the class together AGAIN ;)
Hope the cake was yummy!

"Last" day of school before the N levels.... time sure whizzes by. Thanks Herdawatie for the photos... you all should check her Multiply account.. lots of funny pictures!
I love to hide behind windows ~~~

Take care, 4N3.. one more week! :)