Dearest Miss Melissa Chin ,
Dearest Mdm Shahidah ,
Dear 4N3,
Just a word of encouragement: Prelim results will be given out over the course of the week. If you have done well, keep it up and don't lose focus. If you have not done well for some of your papers, don't be discouraged. Check with your teachers and friends where you have gone wrong, and don't do the same mistake for the real thing. Hope to see all of you in school.
I've said this a million times before, but this is really the final week before your N-levels commence - LET'S DO IT TOGETHER!
Ms Chin
Hi all!
Didn't the prelims (part 1) zip by really fast?
Well, as you all are taking a moment to breathe, us teachers are going through your papers.. Don't ask me how you all did - I am not marking your Prelim scripts but you should get wind of the results soon. Meanwhile, hope to see regular attendance cos it's our final final final month together or so! :(
Meanwhile, a reminder for all 4N3 people to wear our cool class T-shirt on Friday.
Eh.. er... I will be participating in one of the events so do come to watch your Form Teacher on the field that day - I'm doing it all for YOU PEOPLE! *Why oh why*
So even if I come in last, we must remind ourselves of Kamilia's wonderful spirit of determination and effort during the Heats :) She inspires me!
Let's all take nice class photos that day!
Ms Chin
HELLO 4N3's!
I have uploaded all the pictures I had taken during the Track Event, Yesterday.
(*please click the pictures to enlarge)