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4n3 Class of 2008
we are graduates from Siglap.


Friday, February 22, 2008

Dear 4N3,

I happily searched the School's Documents for these lovely memorable shots! Enjoy!

Thursday, February 21, 2008
My dear students,

Most of you would have noticed that the school is very concerned about your progress.. even right down to the kind of bag and materials you bring to school...
Find it a little odd?

However you choose to see it, do try to understand we want you to be prepared for every lesson.. and there's no way you can do that if you come empty-handed, agreed? =)

So 4N3, please remind your friends to bring their bags (everyone!! let's remind our adorable Sabrye to bring his things everyday! Okay?) and files and NECESSARY textbooks...

You guys are NUMBER ONE in my heart! So let's do our class proud!

Ms Chin :)

Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Dear 4N3,

These past weeks have been quite a break in routine for all of you.. of course we enjoyed the 3 days of Chinese New Year break (no lessons- yippee!) and then we missed classes again because of the Enrichment... I wonder if you all feel the same as me - i.e. a loss of momentum.

I treasure my Form Class a lot and each of you is important to me. My theme for the English Camp was "We Will Make It".. and that represents my heart for all of you- I want you to do well in your studies so you can go to a good course either at higher Nitec or after your 'O' levels.

Our first major battle together is the 'N' levels. Can we make it? I believe if you discipline yourself now, you can, and you will. Take school seriously, because it will affect your future. I am proud of you for who you are today, and I want to continue to be proud of you till the day I hand you your Graduating Certificate.

let's continue to focus and take every single step towards success seriously!

With great love for my dearest Form Class,
Ms Chin

Friday, February 15, 2008
I think this was more of a photo shoot outing rather than a Learning Journey... Everyone was using the artefacts and sculptures as a backdrop!

Nadeem right at the top, capturing a different angle

Oscillating chandeliers! How pretty!

Hi Farah

The beginning of the guided tour.. A sea of blue..

Mr Lee Chor Ming sitting cool

Check out these ancient Greeks!

Art Appreciation!

Just the girls....

Look at how orderly 4N3 is! Well done!

I think the class was well-behaved today! At least nobody knocked over any Greek statues. Anyway, I know some of you were trying your best to pay attention and though the content was erm, not very INTRIGUING, you guys were alright!
Hope you enjoyed one another's company today ~ it was a nice time for us all :)

Thursday, February 14, 2008
It's already 2nd week of Feb- Well done so far, 4N3!

Continue to persevere and don't give up or grow tired of working hard!

Your teachers are here for you, and I will be there with you on your
journey towards the 'N' levels.

All of you are important to me. (yes, even the 'naughty' ones!)

Love, Ms Chin