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4n3 Class of 2008
we are graduates from Siglap.


Friday, February 16, 2007
The Eve of the Eve of Chinese New Year 2007 and 3n2 celebrated it in style!

Look below at Alfian, Khairul & Rizal!! They look ...so.. in.. love. :)
And Qadir is lifting weights!

The day started off with Total Defence Day's Evacuation Exercise - and we did great! We were one of the first Sec 3 classes to gather and based on good behaviour, the FIRST class to be dismissed!

More photographs of 3n2 in action!!! Enjoy!

Sigh! No flash!

Scissors Paper Stone? "Gambling" - 3n2-style?

If you can toast over plain water, you can toast over anything! The boys going: Yam Seng!

I was seated rightttt at the back of the hall.. so this was as close-up as I could get!

Wow. They really brought the house down with their fabulous moves! Can you keep up?


Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Well done to all! In spite of your nervousness and this being the "first" (and surely not the last!) public presentation with new classmates in a new environment, each of you did a great job.

For all those who really prepared (I KNOW and you know who you are), one group with pictures and all, you should feel proud of yourselves.

You reap what you sow, and your effort has definitely not gone to waste.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Seeking Inspiration from ....